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Реалити куурчактарын туура сактоо боюнча кеңештер

To protect the privacy and safety of your live action SE Dolls, it is important to store it properly. Tips on how to store your lifelike sex doll safely and discreetly.

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If privacy is your priority, consider a lockable locker or specially designed storage box for your lifelike doll. This ensures that only you have access to it while protecting its privacy.

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Always clean doll thoroughly with warm water and a mild detergent before storing. Make sure the Zelex Dolls is completely dry to prevent moisture related issues like mold or mildew.

Support Stand:

To maintain the realistic shape of the doll, use a specialized support stand or support system for storage. Avoid storing the doll in a position that puts stress on the joints, which can cause deformation.

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Store the realistic Irontech куурчактары in a place with moderate temperature and humidity. Extremes of temperature and humidity can damage materials or cause dolls to degrade. Avoid exposing doll to direct sunlight or heat sources.

Periodic Inspection: Even in storage, regularly inspect your lifelike doll for any signs of damage or wear. Check joints, seams and materials for problems. Dispose of promptly to prevent further damage.

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When storing your lifelike dolls, make sure your storage environment is clean and tidy. Avoid dust, dirt or other debris from adhering to the doll to maintain its appearance and quality.

By following these tips, you can store your lifelike dolls safely and privately. Proper storage not only protects your investment, but also allows you to enjoy your doll's company for a long time.

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