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I am not sure if I am really qualified to discuss here because I have no real romantic feelings for my sex dolls. In fact, I think I need to make real efforts to get rid of any romantic feelings. As for the love of the doll, it was once regarded as a practical preference, just like heterosexuality or homosexuality. I doubt it because the doll is not human. For centuries, some people have had sexual or even romantic "preferences" for many things, whether they are life or anything else. But none of them are considered to be more than the level of sex dolls.

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Through the love of секс-куурчак, suppose you mean pure physical (sex) rather than emotional attachment. So yes, it just masturbates with an object. Do not. Without any illusion, my doll is in any way beyond the similarities with women in life. I am very angry, of course. But though, if someone smashed my truck. Everyone has a few questions: How many of you have experienced doll-like love, just masturbation and distortion? On the other hand, how many doll owners feel as if they are having sex with their dolls when they are having sex with a real person? Suppose, if someone completely destroys your doll, then he/she can't fix it. You will feel like a loved one is dead, or just feel that you have spent all the money and feel angry. Now this doll is not for you. use? And you are creating some new words yourself. For a long time, people have been aware of the sexual pathology that has been attracted to statues, shop dummies, etc. I want to know if this sex doll is different.

2019-07-18 01:44:34

I better remember that for one of them, the container won't open, and for two of them, it's not easy to access my real sex doll. However, it has been suggested that this will cause suspicion among customs officers and may lead them to forcibly enter the container and search the doll more thoroughly, which may be more important than whether they can easily open the container to determine its contents.

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2022-11-20 22:30:29

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2021-05-25 22:47:14

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