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If I move the sex dolls outside of another room, I will put the socks on their hands and feet. Ok, this sounds silly, but it can reduce the chance of finger or toe injury. You are not the only one. I can't spell to save my life. The idea of ​​covering your hands and feet sounds logical to me. What is the waiting time between the down payment and the starting doll. What is the time frame for full payment and delivery of toys.

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When I came into contact with секс-куурчак, they said they had started casting molds for seven doll penis and should be done by the end of September. I can wait, but once you are determined to reduce your down payment, you will start waiting. The original doll reminds me of my lover. The dump allows people to use it in the program. She can't make the same material as a doll, nor can she jump like a finished model. I don't want to bother them, but if you remember from time to time they want to know where your sex dolls are. Will it keep things going.

2019-07-29 02:49:37

Again, it seems my only option is to either use a key lock or keep it unlocked. I think I would prefer to use the lock option with keys, as it is possible to suggest this. I can enter the airport where real sex dolls will land, so the requirement for this option is not a problem. I'm not sure if this arrangement of providing the key works in my place.

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